H σελίδα της πύλης απαιτεί Javascript.
Eνεργοποίηστε τη Javascript ώστε να έχετε πλήρη λειτουργικότητα της σελίδας.

User name    Password   

Main navigation menu

•  Cartography application


The prerequisites to use the Mapping Application of this GeoPortal are:

-Internet Explorer 7 or 8

-Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03 plug-in. You can download it free from here

-Enable scripting in Internet Explorer (Internet Options -> Security -> Internet -> Custom level -> Scripting -> Active Scripting: Enable)

-Enable cookies in Internet Explorer (Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced -> First and Third party cookies: Accept)

-Enable Pop-Up windows from Internet Explorer (Disable Pop-Up Blocker)